

Price for the breakfast is not covered byt the price for the accomodation. Unified price for the breakfast is 100 CZK/person. Classic breakfast (continental or english), alternatively other in accordance the offer. It is possible to choose out of six and more options. There is also a bar with cold drinks in the hotel.


Guests have a disposition to use free carpark at the hotel courtyard. Whole compound is enclosed with a fence and the gate is closed during night time. In case of need, guests can park their car in the garrage, or store there their sport and other equipment. Garrage fee is 100 CZK per night

Bicycle rental

Guests can borrow mountain bike or a trekking biicycle and use the opportunity of cycling in the neighbourhood areas. The price for bicycle rental is 60 CZK per day.


There is a free internet acces in whole hotel by RJ45 or WIFI technology accessible in all rooms. Throughoutput up to 8192 Kbit/s from outer net. Among fellow inhabitants and colleagues, you can communicate with speed up to 300 000 Kbit/s). We recommend you to use your own laptop.

For those guests who don't have own laptop or don't want to borrow it, there is an option to use a free unlimited internet connection at the reception. The speed is up to 8192 kbit/s.

We can lend you our PC (OS LINUX) with unlimitted internet connection (8192 Kbit/s). You pay the rental fee, you don't pay anything for the time you are connected or for the amount of downloaded data.


If you bring you own USB medium (flashdisk), you can watch your favourite movies, or photos. Just plug in your storage media into USB intput of the multimedil LED screen. If you bring a DVD or CD, you can play it with the equipment in the room. If you have your own SAT card, you can even decode your favourite channels on Astra 3, Astra 1, Hotbird.



Dolnoveska 66
763 16 Frystak
+420 725 523 388
+420 577 912 735

Visa Card Master Card PCI DSS

LAT = 49.27499, LNG = 17.673921