Nearby remarkable places

ZOO and Palace Lesna

In a nearby area of our hotel, there is one out of 15 zoological gardens in the Czech republic. Especially families with children can spend nice day there. The compound of the zoo is divided into thematic parts according to continents. ZOO Lesna has a lot of unique exposition. More information at oficiálních stránkách.

Castle Lukov

Ruins of Lukov castle is situated ca 5km away from Hotel 66. Recently, the ruins were reconstructed. Nearby the castle, there are Kralky, popular rocks, well-liked by rock climbers

Zlin Observatory

Amateur observatory in Zlin is open for public 3 times a week. If the weather is fine, presentation of night sky takes place. Public popular astronomy lectures are held every monday. Other topics are included as well. Zlin observatory is also place where several cultural events take place. You can find current program, opening hours and more information at Zlín's Astronomical Society

St. Hostyn

Important place of pilgrimage surrounded by serene nature of Hostyn hills. It is situated near tawn called Bystřice pod Hostýnem in 736 meters over sea level. Besides the church itself, you can visit a adjacent lookout tower or way of the cross. Local restaurants serves traditional cuisine with friendly prices.

Shoe Museum

Tomas Bata made Zlín famous by his footwear through continents. The Footwear museum offers a glance into the past and bring the progress of shoemaking in Bata's Zlin closer. You can see the industry development from its beginning to the present day. The museum together with Malenovice castle belong to Museum of the South East Moravia.

Zlin Swimming pool

Swimming pool in Zlin offers covered as well as outdoor pools. Summer pool "Zelene" provides 25x20 m pool, 1.4 - 1.8 m deep. Tobogan water slide, water chute DUO, pool for kids, whirpool, rock-climbing wall, bar etc. are also available. More information and prices you will find at Official page of the swimming pool.

Castle Malenovice

One of the most important historic building is situated ca 6km away from the center of the modern Zlin. The castle was estabilished at the 2nd half of 14th century by Moravian margrave Jan Jindrich. It was reconstructed many times in the following centuries. The original gothic castle were transformed a renaissance settlement later with some baroque adaptation. Cureent information, prices and opening times are at Museum of the South East Moravia, where the Malenovice castle belongs.



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